Our children are our future, let's invest in them and put the tools for a better tomorrow in their hands

Dr. Bianca Lauria-Horner, MD, CFPC Healthy Mind - Health Body

Robin William....Mental Illness Can Affect Anyone


More than ever the tragic death by suicide of Robin William reminds us that if we are not mentally healthy, it is difficult to enjoy life.


So how do we achieve, and maintain good mental health? The first step is to explore and practice good self-care.  We need to recognize within ourselves when we feel emotionally balanced and when we gravitate towards difficulties coping with day to day events. Find a way to look within yourself, express your feelings, experiences, and share your thoughts with a friend, or anyone you might trust. We all need help from time to time. Let’s shift our attitudes from “ I am weak, or unworthy” to “I need to slow down or I need help”


Educators are constantly under pressure to focus on academic achievement however children may not always be emotionally equipped to learn. The early childhood classroom is an ideal setting to help nurture a child's developing skills, including self-awareness.